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Author: Kevin

Why Is My Water Heater Not Heating?

Studies suggest taking cold showers every so often might be great for both your body and mind. When you give your water heater a break and jump into a cold shower, it may help improve circulation, strengthen your immune system, and even provide your mental health with a boost.

But of course, no one wants to get stuck taking cold showers every single day, so it’s important to make sure your water heater is working properly at all times. Whether you have a gas water heater or an electric water heater, keep a close eye on your water heating system to ensure it’s providing you with plenty of hot water.

Has your water heater stopped working? Here are several reasons why it might be happening.

Problematic Pilot Light

If you have an electric water heater, it probably won’t have a traditional pilot light. As long as it has power, it should be able to heat your home’s water.

If, however, you have a gas water heater, it’ll be a different story. In this case, you’ll need to be sure that it’s getting a steady supply of natural gas or propane and that it has a fully functioning pilot light.

In some instances, the pilot light for your gas water heater might simply go out, making it impossible for the water heater to work like it’s supposed to. You may be able to relight it yourself so that it can begin heating the water in your home again.

You might also find that you’ll have a gas supply issue on your hands when your pilot light goes out. A closed gas valve, a gas line leak, or even a malfunctioning gas control valve could be to blame for your pilot light problems. Strongly consider having a reputable water heater repair company come out to your home to inspect your water heater and determine what’s wrong with it.

Faulty Thermostat

Your home’s water heater has a thermostat that you can use to adjust how warm you would like the water in your house to be. You don’t want to set this thermostat too high since it could lead to skyrocketing utility bills. At the same time, you don’t want to set it too low, as this can result in your home not having enough hot water in it.

If your home is running out of hot water much quicker than it should, turning up your water heater’s thermostat might be the perfect solution to this problem. But if you try this and don’t get the desired results, it could indicate that you have a faulty thermostat that won’t be able to heat your home’s water accordingly.

This is another instance in which you’ll want to call on a water heater repair company to assist you. You may need to replace your existing thermostat with a new one to get your water heater up and running again.

Built-Up Sediment

From the second you start using a new water heater in your home, sediment can begin to build up inside of it. Your home’s water supply contains minerals and debris that can settle at the bottom of your water heater in the form of sediment. It can eventually coat and insulate its heating element.

When your water heater’s heating element is covered with a layer of sediment, it won’t be able to heat your home’s water effectively. Your water heater might still sound like it’s working hard to heat the water, but the water may be cool to the touch when it leaves your home’s faucets and showerheads.

The good news is that you can stop sediment from wreaking havoc on your water heater. Flushing your water heater periodically eliminates rocks and sediment from the tank. This allows you to get better heating performance from it and lets you keep your water heater around for a longer time overall.

Not sure how to flush your water heater? A water heater repair company can show you how to do it while also inspecting your water heater and performing other basic maintenance on it.

Damaged Heating Element

The heating elements in water heaters are their most important parts. If anything goes wrong with them, water heaters can’t do their jobs efficiently. Make it a point to monitor the heating elements in your water heater and address any damage done to them promptly.

The heating elements in water heaters can sustain damage due to corrosion, electrical issues, and even just general wear and tear. If you suspect the heating element in your home’s water heater is malfunctioning, replacing it right away is of the utmost importance.

If you happen to have a multimeter handy, you can utilize it to test a water heater’s heating element. Otherwise, you’ll want to bring in a water heater repair company to inspect a heating element that may be damaged. These professionals can set you up with a new heating element for your water heater if they discover that it has been damaged.

In certain situations, this company might even recommend that you replace your water heater entirely rather than just replacing a bad heating element. The average water heater lasts for around a decade, so if yours is any older than that, installing a new one might be your best option.

Contact Us To Get Help With Your Hot Water Heater Issues

When the water heater in your home isn’t firing on all cylinders, it can be frustrating. You may wonder why it isn’t producing enough hot water for everyone in your house to use, and probably feel annoyed having to suffer through lukewarm showers.

Leave your water heater problems in the hands of our experienced professionals. Covenant Plumbing can help you figure out why your home’s instant water heater isn’t working like normal and make things right for you.

We specialize in delivering a wide range of tank and tankless water heater services in the Normal, IL, area. Call us at 309-340-1403 to schedule service for your water heater.

Choosing the Right Water Filtration System for Your Home

Whether it’s the unsettling chlorine taste, the fear of contaminants like lead or mercury sneaking into your drinking water, or simply a quest for a revitalizing morning shower, the right water filtration system seems to hold the key.

The journey to purified water is less about buying a filter off the shelf and more about understanding the unique symphony of minerals and substances flowing through your pipes. Armed with knowledge and the right tools, securing pristine water becomes a harmonious blend of science and satisfaction.

Understanding Different Types of Home Water Filtration Systems

Embarking on a quest for pristine water in our homes often begins with understanding the diverse array of water filtration systems available.

Each type caters to different needs and quality benchmarks, from the basic convenience of pitcher filters to the intricate mechanisms of reverse osmosis systems.

For those desiring discreet purification, under-sink filters prove to be hidden gems.

Comprehensive filtration ambitions?

Whole house systems tackle water quality at every source, ensuring clean water flows from every tap.

Reverse osmosis stands out for its superior cleansing abilities, a testament to advanced purification technology.

Meanwhile, UV water purifiers focus on obliterating pathogens, offering an extra layer of protection.

And for those intrigued by the purity achieved through simplicity, distillation presents a compelling comparison to other methods. Knowing the strengths of each system is beneficial on the journey to selecting the optimal solution for our homes.

Evaluating Your Water Quality Before Selecting a Filtration System

Testing your home’s water is an exercise that sheds light on the concealed constituents of tap water and reveals how these elements influence the overall water quality.

This process is a crucial investigative endeavor to identify specific contaminants like chlorine, heavy metals, and potentially health-threatening microbes.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Water Filtration System

Navigating through the vast landscape of home water filtration systems can be an overwhelming process.

It’s not just about picking a unit off the shelf; it’s a decision deeply intertwined with your unique lifestyle and household needs.

Determining the specific contaminants invading your water supply marks the starting line of this journey.

Yet, the road doesn’t end there.

We must consider additional factors that weigh heavily on our choice: the initial investment and ongoing costs of installation and maintenance, the daily water consumption of our families, and the physical space our homes can dedicate to such a system.

These considerations are crucial stepping stones, guiding us towards a solution that aligns seamlessly with our lives, ensuring every drop of water we consume or use is both safe and satisfying.

Maintenance Tips to Ensure Longevity

Ensuring the longevity of a home’s water filtration system starts with diligent maintenance, a practice we at Covenant Plumbing regard as crucial as the initial setup. Scheduling regular check-ups and timely replacing filters or cartridges will ensure you adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines to prevent any compromise in water quality or system efficacy.

Another key aspect has been keeping an eye on the system’s performance indicators, such as water pressure and taste. This vigilance allows homeowners to identify any potential issues early, ensuring swift action to safeguard the system’s function and extend its life, thus maintaining the purity of your home’s water supply uninterrupted.

The Role of Water Softeners in Home Water Filtration

In the journey towards crystal-clear water, water softeners might not just be an add-on but a necessity, complementing the filtration systems by targeting hard water minerals like calcium and magnesium, which can wreak havoc on plumbing and appliances.

Deciding if your home needs a water softener involves assessing the hardness of your water and understanding the interplay between removing contaminants and softening water for a comprehensive approach to water quality.

Future-Proofing Your Water Filtration System for Home

Ensuring the longevity and efficiency of a water filtration system goes beyond merely installing it.

By planning for future upgrades and expansion possibilities, we can guarantee our homes have access to clean, safe water, even as our needs evolve and filtration technology advances.

This proactive stance ensures that the investment made today continues to meet tomorrow’s water quality demands, safeguarding our families’ health and our homes’ water integrity for years to come.

Regular Maintenance for Ongoing Efficiency

Regular maintenance is integral to maintaining the efficiency of a home water filtration system, ensuring it continues to provide high-quality, clean water. Over time, replacing cartridges or filters as recommended by the manufacturer and monitoring the system’s performance can prevent a decline in water quality and filtration effectiveness.

Staying proactive with maintenance tasks, such as checking for leaks or monitoring water pressure, helps catch potential issues before they become costly repairs. This diligence not only extends the longevity of the system but also guarantees that my family enjoys the benefits of pure, safe water without interruption.

Trust Covenant Plumbing

Choosing the right water filtration system for your home is a crucial step toward ensuring a clean, safe, and satisfying water supply with Covenant Plumbing. 

The journey begins with recognizing your specific water quality needs through testing, which identifies the contaminants present in your water. Ultimately, investing in the appropriate water filtration system not only promises health benefits but also contributes to long-term savings and environmental sustainability, ensuring every drop of water from your taps meets the highest standards of purity and safety.

Troubleshooting Guide: What to Do When Your Water Heater Isn’t Working Well in Bloomington-Normal, IL

Cold winters are a part of living in Bloomington-Normal, IL.  Our cold winters make a functional water heater a necessity and encountering issues with your water heater can be a real inconvenience. Whether you’re dealing with lukewarm water, strange noises, or a complete lack of hot water, it’s essential to address the problem promptly. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to troubleshoot and solve common water heater issues, ensuring your home stays warm and comfortable.

1. Check the Power Source:

One of the first things to investigate when your gas water heater is acting up is the power source. Ensure that the unit is receiving power and that the circuit breaker hasn’t tripped. Sometimes, a simple reset can resolve electrical issues.

2. Examine the Pilot Light on your gas water heater:

For a malfunctioning gas water heater pilot light, we can help you with water heater troubleshooting!  A  malfunctioning pilot light could be the culprit. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to relight the pilot light. If you’re unfamiliar with the process or uncomfortable doing it yourself, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance.

3. Check for Leaks:

Water leaks around your water heater may indicate a serious problem. Inspect the unit and its connections for any visible leaks. If you discover a leak, it’s crucial to turn off the water heater water supply valve and contact a licensed plumber immediately.

4. Flush the Tank:

Over time, sediment buildup can affect the efficiency of your water heater. Regularly scheduling a water heater flush helps remove sediment, ensuring optimal performance. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for flushing or consider hiring a professional for this maintenance task.  For water heater maintenance in Bloomington, IL, contact Covenant Plumbing.

5. Insulate the Pipes:

Cold weather can impact the performance of your water heater. Insulating the pipes can help maintain water temperature, especially during winter. This simple step can improve energy efficiency and prevent freezing.

6. Consult a Professional:

If you’ve tried the above steps and you still need help with water heater repair or water heater maintenance, it’s time to consult a professional plumber. Experienced plumbers in Bloomington-Normal, IL, can diagnose and address complex issues, ensuring your water heater operates efficiently.


When your water heater is not working well in Bloomington-Normal, IL, quick and effective troubleshooting is key. From checking the power source to consulting a professional plumber, addressing plumbing issues promptly can save you from cold showers and potential long-term damage. Remember, a well-maintained water heater ensures comfort during chilly Illinois winters. If problems persist, don’t hesitate to reach out to your trusted local plumber, Covenant Plumbing, for expert assistance.

Proactive Water Heater Repair | Bloomington, IL

An important feature of our expert plumbing maintenance is our ability to detect upcoming problems and recommend repairs before they become urgent or waste large amounts of energy. A tune-up, inspection, and checks of vital components can help avoid many problems which arise, and also prolong the service life of the unit. At Covenant Plumbing, our water heater repair experts are part of a team of prevention-oriented, licensed plumbers. We look forward to providing proactive services for your home’s plumbing in Bloomington, IL.

Our Plumbing Knowledge Saves You Time and Trouble

Let’s keep your water heater running reliably and efficiently in Bloomington, IL with care from our water heater repair experts. We’ll do a thorough inspection, safety testing, and performance tune-up and check for common failure modes that may be developing. A tank-based water heater should last 10 years or more, and 20 is possible with a tankless unit. The key to these long service lives is proper, regular maintenance to make sure your heater is running normally for minimum wear.

Flushing Your Tank or Tankless Water Heater

In our state, hard water is basically a given, and the sediment it leaves behind in your coffee maker accumulates significantly over time in your tank or tankless water heater. Flushing helps remove the sediment and restore efficient heating, and in tankless models sediment can build up and cause several types of failures. Keeping up with maintenance to handle this buildup is essential, but it can be reduced by having the right type of water softener or water purification system processing your home’s water. Some water softeners neutralize minerals to avoid corrosion but send them on through, so make sure and ask our water heater repair experts if you have the right type, or find out about getting one installed.

Keeping the Temperature Properly Adjusted

It’s surprising how often we find water heaters that are misadjusted and use more energy than needed to reach a proper temperature, or even set too low so you’re not getting the hygienic effects you need for washing. Another reason why some people wind up setting their water heater thermostat too high is when one of the heaters in a tank-based unit has failed, and you’re having problems with enough properly heated water. Turning the temperature up on the remaining heater isn’t the solution, fixing the heater or thermostat that’s broken is, and our water heater repair team can take care of it easily.

Gas and Electric Heater Tune-Ups

There are quite a few ways that our water heater repair team can ensure reliable, efficient operation of your gas water heater. Checking the gas flow and related components is essential, as well as the burner condition and flame quality. Over time, the pilot light’s sensor may need replacement, otherwise it may stop the gas flow for safety reasons. Electronic ignition modules should be checked to ensure reliability. Electric heaters need to be checked for element condition and proper function, and tankless or hybrid systems, sometimes traditional water heaters, have control systems that should be tested as well. These electronics monitor sensors and provide alerts, status codes, and data that our water heater repair team can use to maintain your water heater properly.

Anode Rod and PTR Valve on Tank-Based Water Heaters

The anode rod is a small piece of metal that’s located in your water heater’s tank, sacrificing its material over time to balance the water quality to reduce corrosion and avoid bacteria growth. If your hot water has a foul odor, chances are your anode rod needs to be checked. The tank should also be checked on a regular basis to observe the progression of corrosion and evaluate the risk of tank failure and flooding or bursting. The PTR valve, or pressure and temperature relief valve, provides an escape for water when the tank is under higher pressure than it should be, and should be checked for safety during maintenance visits. Excessive pressure can lead to tank bursting, especially as it gets weaker over time from corrosion.

Water Heater Leaks Under the Slab

If your home has plumbing routed “under the slab” beneath your concrete foundation, problems like excessive energy use or limited hot water supply may be related to a pipe leak below, not a hot water heater problem. We can check for leaks using special equipment to listen, but it’s also common for these leaks to warm a part of the floor producing a valuable clue. Otherwise, you can go on for a long time with a leak under the slab and not realize that things are not as they should be. You might even have multiple water heater repairs that don’t seem to fix the problem. Our water heater repair experts pay attention to the unexpected problems as well as the common ones, saving you time and cost.

The Repair or Replace Question

When is it time for you to replace your water heater? For tank-based units it’s not just a functional or reliability question, but a matter of tank integrity. At some point, our routine inspection will identify that the corrosion has gone too far and it’s time to schedule a replacement, or perhaps choose a hybrid or tankless unit if you have a standard model. For tankless units, replacement is much less frequent, and is based more on reliability and functionality than risk of major leaks. We’d like to help you avoid emergencies!

If you’re tired of calling for urgent plumbing services including water heater repair, our proactive Covenant Plumbing care can help you get things under control in Bloomington, IL. We’ll help you plan regular services for your appliances and plumbing, and perform inspections using the latest technology to check pipes from the inside and detect hidden leaks. Our A+ BBB rating, local awards, and many 5-star online reviews speak for our quality plumbing and customer service. Why not start with an expert plumbing inspection? Call us and schedule it today!

8 Common Signs You Need To Hire A Drain Cleaning Service Provider | Normal, IL

Clogged drains are a common problem in many homes in Normal, IL and can cause various issues if not fixed quickly. From foul odors to slow-draining sinks and tubs, a clogged drain can present many challenges. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, it might be time to call a drain cleaning service provider. Knowing when to call in a professional can save you time, money, and stress from trying to fix the issue. Here are ten common signs that you need to hire a drain cleaning service provider in Normal, IL.

Signs You Need Your Drains Cleaned

Slow Draining Sinks

The first subtle sign to look out for is slow-draining sinks. In our experience, plumbing problems never happen at a convenient time, and it’s easy to forget about or postpone fixing them. However, you can’t afford to overlook even the most minor plumbing issues, as they can slowly worsen over time.

You may have noticed that it takes a lot longer for the water in your shower or bathtub to drain. Or perhaps you’ve had a water pool in your sink and then refuse to drain for what feels like an eternity. In this case, it’s safe to assume that your drain is clogged.

In most cases, the following things are to blame for a drain blockage:

  • Grease
  • Fat
  • Hair
  • Food particles

As they accumulate, they eventually cause a drain to get clogged. The problem can become more serious if you don’t fix it immediately. When water takes a long time to drain, it’s advisable to hire a drain cleaning service company to fix the issue. Furthermore, you should avoid putting things down the drain that can lead to a blockage.

Foul Odors

Nothing is more off-putting than entering a room that has a foul odor. With a clogged drain, there could be a putrid odor of rotting vegetation and old, stagnant water. Not only does it make eating unpleasant, but it can also be dangerous to your health.

If you’ve done a thorough cleaning and the foul odor persists, the problem may be in the drain. Those unpleasant scents might be released from your drains if they become clogged with sewage or food waste. As this would require specialized tools, you should get in touch with a technician very away. Contaminants like sewage pose serious health risks and require expert training to eradicate them. The safest method of avoiding harmful buildup is to hire a professional drain cleaning service.

Standing Water

Slow-draining sinks will eventually lead to standing water. Water will pool in your sink rather than drain away. Or, you could be in the middle of a shower and suddenly find yourself ankle-deep in water. This is one of the most blatant signs that your drains require cleaning. There’s a good reason why water can’t go down the drain.

Avoid using liquid cleaners at all costs. This rough substance may do more harm than good, making the blockage worse. You should hire a drain cleaning service provider to assess the situation and recommend a course of action.

Frequent Clogs

There is no need to worry about the occasional blockage. But if the toilet constantly gets clogged or overflows for no apparent reason, something is likely stuck in the pipe. It may be anything from a toy action figure to a wad of paper towels to encroaching tree roots. In any event, calling a plumber is your best bet for clearing the drain.

Gurgling Sounds

Listen closely for gurgling sounds as the water drains away. This noise may be a harbinger of impending doom. If you hear a gurgling or rattling sound coming from your drain, it may be time to check for a clog. Because the water is trying to force its way past the obstruction, air bubbles are being released, resulting in an audible gurgling sound. It’s important to take swift action if you hear this sound.

Hire a professional drain cleaning service to check it out and remove any clog that may have formed. Taking this preventative measure will keep it from evolving into a bigger problem. Furthermore, it will silence that annoying sound.

Fruit Flies

First comes the foul odor, then the flies. Fruit flies were never an issue for you before, but they seem to have suddenly appeared overnight for some reason. You’ve done everything you can to get rid of them, including cleaning the kitchen thoroughly and removing any traces of food, but to no avail.

Fruit flies are drawn to rotting food in your plumbing. The rapid population growth of fruit flies can be traced to their attraction to decaying food particles in your drains. To permanently eliminate fruit flies and the food scraps that attract them, you should hire a drain cleaning service. The fruit flies will be forced to move on.

Backup of Water

A backup of water is the next level up from standing water. When you get home and see a pool of dirty, occasionally odorous water in your bathroom or laundry room, it’s the stuff of nightmares.

It can be a pain to fix the damage and clean up after a water backup. Clogged drain lines are to blame, as this prevents water from draining, leaving it nowhere to go but back up into your basement or upper levels.

Put in a quick call to a drain cleaning service right away, as water backups constitute a significant problem since they can lead to costly water damage and health issues in your house.

There Are Many Clogged Drains

You have a house-wide drainage problem; not only does the kitchen sink not drain, but neither does the bathtub, the toilet, or any other drains in the house. Multiple clogged drains indicate a systemic issue with your plumbing. This could be due to a clog in the main sewer line or another drain line problem.

Get help from qualified experts immediately. Don’t wait too long; otherwise, water could come back up through your drains and flood your house.

Contact an Expert Plumber

Don’t let a little clog become a major headache. You can keep the water running smoothly and the drains happy if you hire a drain cleaning service to fix your plumbing before the issue escalates.

Do you require assistance with a drain issue? Covenant Plumbing is here to serve you. You can rely on us to complete each task efficiently and effectively. We have built a solid reputation as one of the top plumbing companies in Normal, IL. Call us at (309) 431-2650 or contact us online!

Here’s More Helpful Plumbing Advice From A Licensed Plumber Near Me | Bloomington, IL

We all want to save money on our plumbing and the best way to do this is to keep the plumbing system efficient. Read this article for tips on how to keep the plumbing system in top shape and avoid a costly repair. If you have questions or need clarification on these tips, please don’t hesitate to contact a licensed “plumber near me” in Bloomington, IL.

Helpful Tips from a Plumber

Below are effective tips you can use at home. You’ll be able to avoid plumbing emergencies when you use the tips below:

Never Postpone Any Repairs

Are you having problems with one of your plumbing appliances or perhaps you think there might be a leak somewhere? Never postpone calling a plumber for a thorough inspection of your plumbing. Emergencies don’t usually occur overnight; they happen when the plumber fails to resolve issues as they come up. If you suspect something is wrong, please contact a plumber immediately. Our plumbing experts at Covenant Plumbing will thoroughly inspect your plumbing to ensure it’s in excellent shape. If there are issues with it, we’ll let you know right away. Because we’re fully equipped, rest assured we’ll be able to take care of the problem within the day.

Always Protect the Pipes

You can protect the pipes by watching the water pressure. First, get a water pressure gauge to check your home’s water pressure. Ideally, they should be between the normal range of 40-60 PSI. If it’s lower than 40, there might be a leak in your plumbing. Low water pressure usually indicates a problem; it’s best to contact a “plumber near me” to help check if there might indeed be a leak. When the water pressure is more than 60 PSI, you need to hire a plumber to resolve this problem. High water pressure can severely strain the pipes and eventually lead to a catastrophic plumbing problem. Don’t worry, we have plumbing experts who can take care of this for you.

Another way to protect the pipes is to insulate them when the temperature starts dropping. When it’s freezing and the pipes are exposed and not protected, the water inside them can freeze. This can cause the water to freeze and the pipes can burst. You will need to call a “plumber near me” when the water freezes to help you thaw the pipes. But you can avoid frozen pipes when you insulate them in the winter. If you’re having issues with the pipes, please don’t hesitate to contact a plumber in Bloomington, IL.

Take Care of the Drains

Clogged drains are associated with other problems such as water damage (which can cost you a fortune), pest infestation and unhygienic living conditions. Having a slow drain is usually the first symptom of a major drain clog — when the drains are slow, consider cleaning them with proper drain cleaners or hiring a “plumber near me” for professional drain cleaning. Never use chemical-based drain cleaning in getting rid of a major drain clog because these heavily advertised cleaners are never good news for your plumbing. They can damage the pipes and even cause health problems. You need to avoid them like the plague especially when you have children and pets at home. Should you decide to use these types of cleaners, we suggest you read the instructions on the label and adhere to them.

To avoid a drain clog, make sure you have strainers to catch food debris, hair, and dirt. When they go down the drain, they can cause a clog and restrict water flow. You might want to also consider installing a garbage disposal to help you better manage your food waste. To know your other options to keep the drains in top shape, please contact a plumber today. We have plumbing experts who can help ensure your plumbing stays efficient and you get to avoid costly plumbing repairs.

Hire a Licensed Plumber

Do you need repair and installation services for your home? Make it a point to only hire a licensed “plumber near me” to ensure the task is properly carried out. Unlicensed plumbers may cut corners when doing repairs and because they don’t offer 100% complete satisfaction, you might just end up hiring another plumber and paying for another costly repair.

When it comes to installing major plumbing appliances, most manufacturers also require that homeowners get professional installation to keep the warranty. While they do provide instructions on how to install the unit, it’s always best to hire a “plumber near me” so that the unit is correctly installed. Avoid DIY plumbing as well as it’s riskier. You can end up damaging the unit and buying another replacement in no time.

Get Routine Plumbing Inspections

During a plumber inspection, a plumber will check all appliances and fixtures to ensure they are still in good working condition. He will also check for hidden leaks to avoid costly repairs down the road. If you want to save money, we suggest hiring a “plumber near me” for routine inspections. If you suspect a leak, call a “plumber near me” as well for professional leak detection.

Contact Covenant Plumbing

We are an established and highly trusted plumbing company for we always deliver what we promise to customers and this is top-notch service on every appointment. Contact our plumbing experts if you need the services of a “plumber near me” in Bloomington, IL. We can help with any plumbing repair, maintenance or installation. We can also help with professional drain cleaning and leak detection.

Call Covenant Plumbing today for an inspection and we’ll quickly dispatch a plumber to your location.

Want To Avoid Costly Plumbing Nightmares? Here Are Helpful Tips From A Plumber Near Me | Normal, IL

Some homeowners don’t pay attention to their plumbing unless the pipes have already burst or there’s a major drain clog. To save money, we recommend not taking your plumbing for granted. There are several things you can do to maintain your plumbing system and avoid costly repairs. Read this article for helpful tips from a “plumber near me“. For further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact a professional plumber in Normal, IL. Our plumbers are always ready to assist.

Best Plumbing Tips for Maintaining Your Plumbing

Below are some helpful tips from a “plumber near me” on how to properly maintain your plumbing.

Take Care of Your Drains

Do you have a garbage disposal? This device lets you effectively manage your food waste at home. We highly recommend you install this to prevent major drain clogs. For installation, please make sure to only hire a licensed plumber in Normal, IL.

Install strainers in the bathroom, laundry, and kitchen drain to catch debris, hair, and food particles that can cause a major drain clog. Don’t forget to clean the strainers regularly to avoid drain smells. If there are children in the household, educate them on how to properly care for your drains.

Never ignore a slow drain as this usually progresses into a major drain clog. Contact a “plumber near me” right away for professional drain cleaning so they can remove what’s causing the slow drains. As much as possible, avoid using chemical-based drain cleaners as they can be extremely harmful to the pipes. If you’re not careful, you might end up hurting yourself. Should you decide to use these types of cleaners, do make sure to religiously follow the instructions and never mix them with other chemicals.

We also suggest you purchase basic plumbing tools like a drain snake to help you get rid of a clog. If you’re not confident about how to use a plumbing tool though, contact a “plumber near me” for assistance.

Protect the Plumbing Pipes

During winter, it’s a must for homeowners to protect exposed pipes so that they don’t end up bursting when the water freezes. You can contact a “plumber near me” for assistance or go to the hardware store to buy an insulating tool and use it to protect the pipes. If you have an old water heater, we suggest getting an insulating blanket to conserve energy and save money.

You’ll know the water inside the pipes is frozen when you suddenly run out of water. Contact a plumber right away to thaw the pipes. Don’t wait for the pipes to expand and burst. The last thing you want is a pipe bursting as you’ll end up with a flooded home. Thankfully, you can prevent this by properly protecting the pipes. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a “plumber near me” today.

Maintain the Water Heater

If you’re still using a conventional water heater tank, don’t forget to flush the sediment buildup at least once a year. However, if there’s high concentrations of hard water in your plumbing, you may need to drain the water heater more than once a year. You can contact a plumber to install a water softener to soften the water.

It’s recommended to take care of your water heater not just to conserve energy but to prevent a catastrophic plumbing repair. When the sediment builds up, you won’t have enough space for hot water. Eventually, you’ll start to have issues with your unit such as not having enough hot water. When the sediment stays in the tank and is never removed, it can damage the tank and you’ll end up with a plumbing leak. And when the tank is damaged, you will have no choice but to completely replace that.

Speak to a “plumber near me” today if you have questions about your water heater or if you’re planning to switch to a tankless water heater. The latter is more energy-efficient as you’ll only consume energy when you’re using the shower or the faucet. You get to also reduce your chances of coming home to a flooded basement as there’s no tank. You can just easily install the tankless water heater on the bathroom wall. For installation though, make sure you only hire a licensed “plumber near me.”

Get a Sump Pump

Homeowners that live in high-risk areas or places that get a lot of storms and with a basement must install a sump pump. This safety device prevents flooding in your basement, safeguarding appliances stored there. Once installed, don’t forget to maintain it and consider getting backup batteries so that the device will still work when the power goes out. Make sure to also test it first by pouring about a bucket of water into the sump pit, enough to turn on the float switch. The device should drain the water from the sump pit. When it doesn’t, get in touch with a plumber to inspect the pump.

Hire Licensed Plumbers Only

DIY plumbing projects are okay so long as it doesn’t involve major installations or repairs. When it comes to installations, most manufacturers require professional plumbing service or you get to lose the warranty. It’s also not recommended to repair a leak on your own to avoid more problems. Always hire a licensed plumber to ensure the problem is completely resolved.

Contact Covenant Plumbing

If you need help with any plumbing repair, maintenance or installation, please don’t hesitate to contact Covenant Plumbing today. Yes, no need to google “plumber near me” in Normal, IL, for we’re just here to help. Call us if you need plumbing service and our team of highly skilled plumbers will be at your location at the soonest possible time. At Covenant Plumbing, there’s no problem we can’t fix.

Call Covenant Plumbing today for an appointment.

Why You Should Leave Water Heater Repair To The Pros | Bloomington, IL

If your water heater is on its last legs, has entirely stopped working, or you’ve discovered a leak and consider yourself a self-proclaimed handyman, you might choose to tackle the problem on your own. While DIY repair can be quick and easy, water heater repair should be left up to skilled and licensed professionals. Water heaters can be very dangerous because of the combination of pressurized, hot water, harmful gases, and electrical components. If these reasons aren’t enough to convince you to leave water heater repair in Bloomington, IL to the pros, perhaps these other ones will.


Water heaters are among the most dangerous house appliances. Because of the volume of hot water that flows through the tank, any attempt to repair a leak or rupture could result in serious injury or property damage.

A water heater relies on a temperature release valve (TPR). If you suspect a leak, you should not attempt to change this valve. There is a potential for an explosion to occur inside the water heater if the pressure or temperature in the tank is too high or if the valve is broken. Our expert technicians will know exactly how to manage this situation safely, preventing any harm to your home.

Fast Diagnosis and Repair

Expert plumbers are familiar with the various issues that commonly impact water heaters. They’ll have a clear idea of what to look for, allowing for a quick diagnosis. Consequently, water heater repair will not take long, and you can get back to those long hot showers.

You’ll Receive Professional Service

When you pay for professional water heater repair, you get professional-level service. Repairing a water heater on your own, no matter how confident you are in your abilities, pales in comparison to hiring a professional plumber.

The first advantage of hiring a professional water heater expert is that you can rest easy knowing that the entire task will be carried out safely. An expert will have the necessary expertise, equipment, and protective gear to complete the task safely.

Also, a trained plumber can handle a wide range of water heater issues. They will conduct an in-depth inspection to determine the cause of the problem. From there, they’ll do what needs to be done to get your heater up and running again.

Furthermore, a technician can inform you if your current water heater needs to be replaced. Rather than wasting time with ineffective measures, they will look for the most effective way to solve the problem as soon as possible.


It’s not uncommon for water heater manufacturers to include a clause in their warranties specifying that a certified technician must perform water heater repairs. It’s in your best interest to keep your water heater under warranty in case a replacement is required. Another perk of calling a professional plumber to fix your water heater is that they can advise you on whether or not the damage is covered under warranty.

It’s Cost-Effective

One of the numerous benefits of a professional repair is that the problem is handled more quickly. Hiring a contractor, however, is not only the fastest way to have the task done but also the most cost-effective.

DIY projects may seem like a good idea at the time, but they often cost more than hiring a professional would have in the long run. There is a high probability of making mistakes while attempting to repair your heater by yourself, and these mistakes can sometimes prove to be quite costly.

Allowing a professional to take charge, on the other hand, ensures that all bases are covered. Expert technicians will investigate the issue from every possible perspective. With a keen eye, they can determine if any pressing issues need to be addressed immediately. Furthermore, they’ll fix the water heater with brand-new, top-notch components that should last a long while.

Emergency Services

One of the most frustrating things you can go through is not having hot water when you need it most. You can get emergency assistance by engaging a professional plumbing company. The water heater expert can arrive at your house in minutes, repair your broken heater and provide you with the hot water you require.

Extend the Life of Your Water Heater

You might be able to diagnose the problem and repair your water heater on your own, but you might merely be fixing the symptom. In contrast, a trained technician will not only fix the water heater’s primary issue but also do a full diagnostic check to ensure the unit is operating at peak performance. A water heater’s lifespan can be significantly lengthened by preventative maintenance.

Reduce Energy Expenses

If you want your water heater to perform consistently and effectively, you should have a pro check it out. You’ll reduce your water and energy expenses if you keep your water heater in good condition. The water heater is the second largest energy user in the average home, and a broken water heater might use considerably more energy than normal. Keeping your appliances in good condition saves you money in the long run.

Consistent Flow of Hot Water

Everyday needs can’t be met with a broken water heater. If you have sporadic access to hot water, it may be difficult or unpleasant to take showers or do housework. In addition, rusty or foul-smelling hot water may arise from mineral buildup in the water tank or heating component. A professional water heater repair company will be able to fix these issues in no time. That way, you can take relaxing showers and do thorough housekeeping with clean, hot water.

Peace of Mind and Convenience

DIY water heater repair is labor-intensive and time-consuming. If the gas lines are handled incorrectly during repairs, this could also be a safety hazard. Having a professional take care of your water heater repair needs is a great time saver. Leaving the repair to the pros means you can sit back and binge on Netflix while expert technicians handle the task.

Furthermore, hiring a professional plumbing agency to fix your water heater means you can rely on their service guarantee. As a result, you won’t have to pay for additional time or materials if there is an issue with the service.

Leave the Repairs to the Pros

While it is possible to fix a water heater on your own, hiring a professional is usually more cost- and time-effective, not to mention safer. Covenant Plumbing is the only name you need to know if you need a professional water heater repair service in Bloomington, IL. Our technicians can accurately diagnose your issues and provide a solution whether you have a conventional tank-style water heater or a tankless system.

Call Covenant Plumbing at 309-340-1403 if you’re experiencing problems with your water heater in Bloomington, IL!

Why A Plumbing Company Should Inspect Your New Home Before Moving in | Bloomington, IL

Moving into a new home can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. On the one hand, you’re eager to make this new space your home; on the other, you have an endless list of chores and responsibilities to take care of. While keeping a calm head throughout this emotional roller coaster is vital, don’t forget that looks can be deceiving.

The last thing you need is a new home with a faulty and highly inefficient plumbing system. Even beautiful new construction homes in Bloomington, IL harbor unpleasant surprises beyond their flashy exteriors. If you’re still on the fence about hiring a plumbing company to inspect your pipes and fixtures before moving into your new home, here are a couple of reasons why you should.

Unmatched Peace of Mind

Finding and moving into a new home can be hectic. After a heated negotiation for the buying price, you also have to organize the packing, organizing, and transfer of your stuff into the new home. Not to mention changing addresses and notifying all relevant parties.

Dealing with plumbing issues during or after moving into your new home only adds to the frenzy. Hiring a qualified plumber to inspect your new home can save you a lot of stress and unnecessary trouble. A certified plumber will ensure your plumbing system is in good shape so you can live comfortably in your new home.

Prompt Installation of Fittings and Other Fixtures

It’s not uncommon for homes to have old and worn-out fittings that need replacement. Sometimes the current fittings in your new home don’t match your home’s decor or style. A plumbing company will ensure the new fittings are ready to go by the time you move in. These fittings include faucets, showerheads, and hoses.

To Ensure the Water Heater Works as It Should

Nothing beats a long, hot shower after a busy day of packing, unpacking, and organizing stuff in your new home. It’s the perfect reward for your hard work and commitment, but imagine turning on your shower only for cold water to come pouring down. This is a likely scenario if you don’t arrange a plumbing inspection before you pitch camp in your new home.

Water heaters, especially old ones, are prone to overheating, slow heating, or a complete lack of hot water. Previous homeowners stay mum about these issues to maintain the asking price. A plumbing system inspection by a certified plumber will check for and address issues. That way, you can have a functional and efficient water heater that provides hot water on demand.

To Uncover Hidden Pipe Leaks

Leaking pipes can significantly reduce the asking price of a new home. It’s no wonder home sellers stay silent about them at the buyers’ expense. The worst part is that most buyers don’t realize they have leaking pipes until it’s too late.

Leaking pipes can cause severe structural damage and compromise your home’s structural integrity. Moreover, they also lead to hefty water bills in the long run. Before moving in, you can sidestep all these issues by having a professional inspect your plumbing system. The plumber will uncover and take note of hidden pipe leaks in the plumbing system.

This will give you an edge at negotiating to ensure you get your money’s worth. After that, you can arrange for sealing these leaking pipes for a flawless plumbing system.

Saves You Money

While a plumbing inspection may be costly, the long-term savings will more than compensate for the costs. Faulty plumbing systems are highly inefficient, translating to a lot of wasted cash. A one-off inspection can save you a bundle in utility costs by ironing out issues with your plumbing system before they get out of hand.

Minor problems with this system could quickly escalate into full-blown problems that compromise your system’s efficiency and lead to expensive repairs. A plumbing company is your best bet for saving money and having an efficient and functional plumbing system.

How to Find a Professional Plumber for Your Inspection

A simple Google search exposes you to several plumbing companies in Bloomington, IL eager to do your inspection. But if you want value for your money, you’ll have to find the best one for the job. Here are a few tips for doing just that.

Check their License and Insurance

Working with a licensed and uninsured plumbing company is never a good idea, even when it’s the cheapest option. Companies operating without licenses are doing so illegally. The first thing to look for in a plumbing company is a valid license and proper insurance. Companies with licenses are less likely to engage in business malpractice at the expense of their clients. Insurance will shield you from liability and out-of-pocket costs when damage or disaster strikes.

Read Online Reviews

Reviews will give you a firm idea of what to expect from the plumbing company you have in mind. Be sure to check a handful of them before settling on a plumbing company to inspect your new home.

It’s normal for even the best companies to have one or two negative reviews. However, steer clear of companies with too many negative reviews. They are likely to disappoint. Authority sites like The BBB and Yelp are the best places to find honest and unbiased reviews about the plumbing company you have in mind.

Get Referrals from Friends and Family

Your closest circle will point you in the right direction when looking for a plumber for a home inspection. Most of the people in your close circle have likely worked with a reputable plumber and will be more than happy to refer them to you.

Expert Plumbing Inspection Before You Move In

A plumbing inspection could be the difference between having a comfortable stay in your new home or living a complete nightmare. If you’re planning to move into a new house, arrange a professional plumbing inspection and enjoy your new home to the fullest.

A plumbing inspection is only as good as the plumbing company you settle for. Contact Covenant Plumbing today for an intricate and comprehensive plumbing inspection in Bloomington, IL.

Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Plumbing Company | Bloomington, IL

Whether you need to repair your plumbing system or install a new plumbing fixture in your house, you can be tempted to do it on your own, especially if you enjoy getting your hands dirty. In any case, you can find online guides explaining how to handle virtually any plumbing situation you might run into. However, it is important to remember that your plumbing system is an extremely valuable and sensitive part of your home, and improperly done plumbing jobs could have costly consequences. Besides, some plumbing jobs are quite dangerous, and they could leave you with severe physical injuries. Therefore, no matter how urgently you would want a particular plumbing job to be done, you should fight any temptation to try doing it on your own. Instead, you need to have a reliable plumbing company you can trust with all your plumbing issues in Bloomington, IL. Below is a rundown of the benefits you can expect by hiring a professional plumbing service instead of trying DIY plumbing solutions.

Protect Your Plumbing System

Although modern plumbing systems are quite durable, they have some delicate parts that must be handled with care. Handling such components without the right skills, tools, and experience could cause some damage to them. Therefore, if you decide to try DIY plumbing solutions, you might end up causing further damage to your plumbing infrastructure without necessarily fixing the issue at hand. For instance, if your toilet or drainage system is blocked, trying to fix it yourself means that you may have to insert wires or use corrosive drain cleaning solutions. Unfortunately, this would potentially damage the drains. On the other hand, if you decide to call a professional plumbing company, it will send you professionals who will come with the right tools for the job and ensure that your problem is resolved without causing any damage to your plumbing system. Therefore, by hiring a plumbing company instead of settling for DIY plumbing solutions, you can effectively protect your plumbing infrastructure.

Protect Your House

Some plumbing jobs have the potential to damage sections of your house, especially if they are done by people who are not good enough to handle them. For instance, if you have slab leaks in your house, tearing up your slab foundation carelessly as you try to access the leaking pipe could leave the foundation of your house damaged and consequently compromise the structural integrity of your house. On the other hand, a professional plumbing company will have people with adequate skills and experience to handle such a job without putting your home in danger. If need be, a plumbing company might even hire a structural engineer to ensure that the method used to access a leaking pipe hidden in a wall or the foundation slab does not cause serious damage to your house. As such, by hiring a professional plumbing service, you can ensure that any plumbing issue in your house is addressed in a way that does not put your home in danger.

Stay Safe

Some plumbing jobs are known to put the people doing them in grave danger. Therefore, if you decide to try DIY plumbing solutions instead of hiring a plumbing company, you could be putting yourself in grave danger. For instance, if you need to access an overhead tank or a solar water heater, the job might put you at risk of falling and sustaining serious fall injuries. Similarly, if your water heater is malfunctioning, attempting to repair it on your own could put you at risk of getting burned. The good news is that you do not have to take such risks. Instead, you can pass them on to other people by simply hiring a professional plumbing company to handle all plumbing issues in your home in Bloomington, IL. Professionals have adequate training, experience, and safety gear to handle any plumbing situation without putting themselves and other people in danger.

Save Time and Money

A lot of people wrongly think that they can save some money by trying DIY plumbing solutions instead of hiring professionals. However, from experience, we know that DIY plumbing solutions are more expensive than people think. This can be explained in several ways. For example, if you decide to fix a broken water heater on your own, you may have to buy some parts and even tools for the job. The problem is that there is no guarantee that you will decisively resolve the issue you are facing even after spending your money and time on it. On the other hand, professionals handle issues like yours daily, and they know what needs to be done to decisively fix it in the most efficient way possible. Therefore, you could actually save some money and time by hiring a professional plumbing company instead of trying to resolve plumbing issues on your own.

Stay on the Right Side of the Law

The plumbing industry is regulated by local authorities, and some plumbing jobs in Bloomington, IL will require a permit. For instance, if you need a sewer repair or a water heater installation, the building code requires the job to be done by a licensed plumber with a permit. If you decide to do it on your own, you will be breaking the law, and you could end up paying hefty fines. Conversely, by hiring a plumbing company every time you have a plumbing issue in your house, you can stay on the right side of the law.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, no matter how much you enjoy DIY projects, you should not be tempted to handle plumbing issues on your own. Instead, you need to have a professional you can trust with all your plumbing issues. If you are looking for a dependable plumbing service, Covenant Plumbing is the answer. We have been providing residential plumbing solutions for a long time, and we are a household name in our community. Call us to learn more about our company and services.

Branson W.
Quick, friendly and professional
Sandra H.
I would highly recommend Covenant Plumbing. My new water heater was installed the next day after I called them. They arrived on time and did the installation,clean up, and haul away quickly and efficiently. Everyone was very polite as well as professional.
Sudha M
The Shane the technician was really knowledgeable and explained well about the service that we requested that we were very happy to go with the options provided.
Mike W.
Our sump pump went out sometime in the last few days, not sure exactly when. Called Covenant Thursday AM, and by 2:00 same day, Darren was out to provide several options for replacement. We had a new one fully installed a half hour later. Ready for Mother Nature.
Jessica Lynn S.
Really impressed with this company. Easy to schedule appointments online, timely confirmation emails & texts, texts to let you know they’re on their way, AND also WHO is coming with their picture and some personal info. I was home by myself and knew exactly who was coming to the door. All that alone made me feel good and no work was done yet. Kudos to Shane who explained everything, offered to cover his shoes to protect my floors, answered all of my questions, gave me options, and had a van full of anything he might need to help. Total professional, kind, and courteous, and as I did my work from home, he did his work at my home. I signed and paid for everything on the spot via a tablet and received my receipt via email instantly. Highly recommend Covenant Plumbing to anyone in central Illinois.
Nicole G.
Amazing help with what should have been an easy sump pump pop up job. Patience, determination and perseverance got the job done. We couldn't be happier with service and kindness. Highly recommend for any plumbing service.
Susan B.
Paul C.
The guys from Covenant have been great.
Chris C.
Professional high quality work!
Papa R
I had a delightful appointment with this company today. Darren the technician was thorough, was honest and gave good advice. I’m looking forward to working with Covenant Plumbing in the future.
Michael H T.
Good work
Pam W.
Fast and professional service. Definitely recommend!!
Carol M.
Darren was right on time, explained his diagnosis of our problem and gave us options to consider. Good details for our decision making and no pressure. Very courteous.
Covenant Plumbing came quickly to address a sink that was leaking and got the issue fixed very quickly!
alex B.
They were on time and professional
Tanja L.
Jason W.
Luke M.
Great service, fast repair of a toilet.
david W.
Excellent service, thank you.
Samantha N.
Covenant plumbing was prompt, professional, and did a beautiful job replacing the shower faucets. They also installed a water filtration system for the house, which was definitely needed. As always, their work is the highest quality, and we look forward to enjoying it for years to come.
Lisa C.
Prompt courteous service. Was able to repair without leaving and coming back.
Gabriel S.
clarisse S.
The plumbers arrived on time and completed a kitchen sink drain and seal job carefully and efficiently right then. Appreciated their down to earth suggestions and viewpoints! P
Jay C. P.
Samantha K.
As always, Covenant did a fantastic job. Prompt, efficient, affordable.
Amanda H.
Trevor B.
As much as I can love a plumbing service, I love Covenant. My technician Jordan was polite and thorough. Thank you Covenant!
Paula C.
Dayton and Colton were extremely professional, and knowledgeable. Friendly and efficient service.
I am very pleased with the service I received. I was impressed with Cameron who was friendly, knowledgeable and professional. He was efficient and repaired my toilet in a timely manner. Cameron provided me info about the repairs I received today and info for future services with a quote if I decide to replace my outdated toilet which I am considering. Thanks, Cameron @ Covenant Plumbing.
Jeanette F.
I’ve used Covenant Plumbing twice now, Amanda in office is so kind and goes above and beyond in ensuring good communication. Every technician has been amazing, I’ve dealt with a host of issues after buying an old home and they’ve always been transparent and done excellent work. Very trustworthy, I wouldn’t go anywhere else!
A. Claire P.
Timely and courteous. Definitely recommend for plumbing needs.
Theodore R.
Reasonable price And competent work. I recommend.
Duane F.
Covalent is a great family based company. I called last night and they were on the job first thing this morning. Jordan was professional, super to work with and grateful for our business! We love these guys!
John E.
Jordan was very easy to talk with and knowledgeable of his products and service. He gave us options to meet our budget and left a quote on our email. Enjoyed our visit with him.
Doug N.
Excellent service already have them coming back to fix more I was waiting on. Dayton was very friendly and tidy.
Larry M.
Martha S.
Wonderful experience!! Cameron was very nice and thorough!
Ann F.
I have had two experiences with Covenant. I am out of town and set up appointments for my Mom’s house. It was very easy and smooth. They keep in communication and did a great job. Friendliness counts to me and they were a 10/10!
Tech Darren R. Was knowledgeable, & professional. 10/10 Recommend Covenant Plumbing
Katie R.
The guys did a wonderful job of clearing both my drains that were backed up. They were very helpful and professional, I will be using Covenant from now on.
John M.
The crew that came out really went above and beyond in identifying and repairing the issue with our sump line. Their extra diligence found not only one problem, but another more severe issue further down that could have turned into a much larger problem, had they not caught it.We have nothing but good things to say about our various experiences (current and previous) with Covenant. Thorough, professional and skilled all around!
Delayne and his son were very professional and friendly. Delay e quickly identified the problem with our garbage disposal and since it was under warranty, replaced the disposal with same make and model. They completed the job quickly and efficiently. Highly recommend Covenant Plumbing!!
Jack K.
Well done professional visit. Did a thorough job of looking at plumbing condition of the household.
shawn H.
Tech was polite, and very competent and was done with the job very rapidly! Great experience! I recommend Covenant to anyone needing plumbing work.

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